Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Save the World

When does one truly become an adult? The following are the repeated consensus of a few of the folks I know:"Eighteen; as soon as you're able to vote.""As soon as you're able to do everything, so 21."Ok, great; on your eighteenth birthday you roll out of bed and jump for joy because you're finally able to make a difference in the country's government! Not so much. Eighteen is the generally accepted age of adulthood - basically, that's when you're expected to be able to take responsibility for your own actions. After eighteen years, you'd better be able to. From age eighteen to twenty-one, however, you are undergoing a trial period of adulthood. You're given responsibilities, you're able to be tried, you can put yourself in debt, but you're not quite ready for that added responsibility of drinking. Add that later, after the really bad apples are dead, in prison or too far in debt to afford alcohol. Then you're a true adult, correct? After you're entrusted with all of these responsibilities, you must be! But wait, you turn 25 and you're insurance goes down. So from ages twenty-one to twenty-five you're still not trusted to handle a vehicle! This space is yet another trial period, and if you don't pass the test, you're either dead, broke, inprisoned, or an alcoholic and will be one, if not all of the three sooner rather than later.See, with all of these tests, you'd think the world would be ok. Unfortunately, somehow hundreds of the inept have slipped through the cracks and are now preparing for world domination. When they stick together, they're fine. They bicker, drool and gafaw with each other and it's alright; however if one were to approach these profound beings with, say, logic, intellect -- an open mind even -- the poor soul who passed life's tests would be plagued with frustration, and heads have been known to just give up and fall off at the sheer disappointment in the world's population. So it is this that I ask you, oh deserving intelligent public: Don't give up hope in the world.Let us educate these juvenile beings, and should that venture fail, encourage them not to breed. Lastly; do not allow your mind to go to waste -- perhaps by raising the standards we can strengthen these tests and better filter the weak.

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